Ways to Feel Safer at Home

It’s human nature to have the occasional scare in our own homes, whether it is after a scary movie or a car backfires down the road. There might be reports of break-ins around the area, or you may have had an experience with an intruder before. No matter the reason, it’s not uncommon to have a moment where you feel unsafe in your own home. However, when this happens it’s best to take the time to look over your home security measures to know if they’re enough or if they need any sort of updating. There are many ways you can make even minor updates that will give your greater peace of mind and a better night’s sleep when those moments of uncertainty come to pass.

Get to Know the Neighbors

As a result of simply living so close to one another, most people know their neighbors on some level. That may be giving a quick wave or asking them how things are going whenever you see them out and about, or it could be a genuine friendship that involves hanging out and exchanging necessities. If you’re still practically a stranger in the neighborhood, trying to get to know your neighbors a little better is a great way to make yourself safer. Exchanging phone numbers and emails gives them an easy way to check in if they think something is wrong, rather than worrying about invasively knocking at your front door. If you feel comfortable enough, you can talk to them about vacation plans or routines you and your family have and can help them notice the alarm signals if those go interrupted for too long. It’s also a great way to build a sense of community and get a read on what your neighbors are like.

Avoid Landscaping Issues

While many people enjoy nice landscaping, your own yard could be creating a sense of fear or opportunity for intruders. Overgrown landscaping or dark, unclear corners can give you a fear that someone may be lurking. Having a clear vision of all areas of the property will give you peace of mind. Additionally, high shrubs or fences provide privacy but make sure they are clear of easy access points if you are concerned about people entering your property, even if it is just to walk across the lawn for maybe a quick cut-through. This might require a little lawn care or a complete overhaul of your front yard, but either way, it’s worth considering whether or not your lawn is creating hiding places for people who shouldn’t be on your property.

Light Up the Night

Being in a well-lit home at night can give you a sense of safety and security that you may not have otherwise. There are a few things to consider when choosing outdoor lights so that you can take full advantage of their benefits without harming the environment. First, consider using outdoor lights with sensors. This way, you can be alerted to any disturbances, even if they’re just wildlife. Second, use energy-efficient lightbulbs. Not only will this save you money in the long run, but it will also help reduce your carbon footprint. Finally, use very low lighting around certain parts of your home. This will not only increase curb appeal, but it will also provide just enough light to keep you feeling safe and secure at night.

Get a Security System

This is the most obvious way to feel safe in your own home. There are many security systems with great features like the camera systems that have become so highly popular. Also, your security system doesn’t only have to apply to the outside of your home. Systems with motion-activated lights can be turned on inside during nighttime hours so you will never have to walk in the dark to grab a late-night snack or worry about stubbing your toe.

It’s important to feel safe in your own home. There are a few things you can do to help increase your feeling of safety and security. Besides making sure all the doors and windows in your home are locked before you go to leave the house or go to bed at night, it’s also a good idea to install a security system that can alert both you and the authorities when there’s trouble. You can also clean up or change your landscaping to eliminate possible hiding places for trespassers, increase your nighttime lighting to eliminate shadows and dark corners and get to know your neighbors. That way there are other people looking out for you too, and in fact, there’s a chance they might see something well before you do. This way, you can look out for each other and report any suspicious activity to the police. 

Some other ideas for ways to feel safer at home include keeping a flashlight and a spare key in a safe place in case of an emergency and to have an emergency plan in place in case of a fire, flood, or break-in. That way you and your family know what to do and aren’t left unsure of whether any decision they make could mean life or death. Overall, it’s important to try and think of every scenario in which you might find yourself in an emergency situation and do your best to circumvent it. By taking these simple steps, you can help increase the feeling of safety and security in your home.