Understanding And Finding The Right Tools For Detecting Caves!

There are a lot of excellent resources to bring to bear for detecting caves. We’ve gotten much better at cave detection as technology has marched on. Finding the right tools through suppliers like AGI is now just a matter of doing a search on the web. The key is to understand what tools you need for detecting caves and voids in the first place.
The first and most important tool is a resistivity meter. Resistivity meters measure the capacity of an expanse of earth to conduct current. This is heavily reflective of the mineral content of the soil as well as a host of other geological features. Determining the resistivity of the soil can help you detect voids, obstructions and other gaps. High quality resistivity meters use a large number of high-frequency electrodes to test earth to a very precise degree. This produces a higher resolution of data for analysts to utilize for determining soil features.

Resistivity meters are made much more useful and versatile with the addition of imaging software. A resistivity meter can produce a lot of data for future analysis. A resistivity meter backed up by a solid imaging program can allow the data yielded to be translated into a much clearer image of what’s going on under the surface. Resistivity imaging software can be used to reveal bedrock surfaces, hollows full of clay, voids, sinkholes, masses of rock and other elements.
Resistivity meters can be improved and modified by the addition of additional cable sets and switches. A series of mini electrodes can translate some of the capacity and depth of imaging into a breadth of detail. These have been used to great effect around the world for a variety of purposes. While the classic example of subsurface imaging is for the purpose of surveying, there are also excellent applications to be found in the fields of archaeology. Some of the best examples of resistivity imaging in modern use have been in the location of various secret tunnels used to manufacture rockets in World War II. The full extent of resistivity imaging in the detection of caves is limited only by the applications determined by those doing research.
It’s easy to pick the right tools when you know what you’re trying to accomplish. A resistivity meter complemented by an appropriate software suite can be the most versatile tool you invest in for the detection of caves and other fascinating things below the surface.