Tips For Decorating Your Living Room

Your living room is one of the most used spaces in your house. Your family gathers there to watch television and movies together. Your children play on the floor there. And, when you have guests come over it’s pretty likely you’ll host them, at least part time, in the living room.

Because your living room is such a popular place it makes sense that you would want to make sure it was a comfortable, fun, relaxing, hospitable place. That means having the right decor, the right furniture, and the right organizational skills to make it a great room that everyone, even guests, will enjoy spending time in.

Make Sure It Breaths

This may sound strange, but you want your living room to be a refreshing place with room for everyone, and you want to be able to let fresh air in when you can. Fresh air is enriching and energizing, so make sure that you have windows that can be opened and are safe from falling on people’s fingers.

If you have air conditioning, or even central air, you’re still going to want to air your home out once in awhile. However, you want to make sure your living room is a cool and comfortable place when it’s hot out, and a warm and inviting place when it’s cold out.

Pick The Right Colors

You want to make sure that you paint your living room in a color that evokes energy. Where you might want your bedroom a calming color, like blue, your living room can be a little more adventurous, with something like a shade of yellow. You might want to simply have an accent wall in a brighter, more fun color.

Make your color scheme go well together, so you feel comfortable inviting over guests. Hey, it might even make you the envy of your friends.

Go For Great Decor

That’s where your choice in decor comes in. Pick artwork that helps enhance your room, and furniture that has colors that are brought out by your accent wall. You may also want throw pillows and other accent items that add to the flavor and colors.

Having comfortable seating, and enough for all the people that may end up visiting your living room, is also important. Start with a couch, which is great for family time, cuddling, and bonding, and then go from there.

If you’re having gaming nights, have a shelving unit to keep all your board games or gaming systems kept within easy reach. Keep a card table in a corner somewhere if you do puzzles and want to keep them up off the floor. This also makes a great place to put snacks when you have company, whether they’re there for you or your kids!