Important Questions to Ask Before Making an Addition to Your Home

Your plan of making an addition to your house is in the pipeline for few months and finally, you are ready to make the move. You have done your research and have prepared the plan with a clear goal and budget in your mind. Before starting your project Add-On, it is very important to be cautious. Here, are few questions that you may want to ask yourself before making a final decision.

How would you design the new addition?

Picture the home from the start and get creative with what you want and how you want. Plan the designs and look for ways to turn your existing house into that dream house, through remodeling, or addition or combination of add-on and a remodeling project.

How much you should spend? Estimate the budget.

Wish list can vary from the site, owner, and house but the simplest and best way to get an estimate on the average cost of adding a room is to talk to your local contractors. Discuss the estimated budget with two to three contractors to understand the rate in the market and accordingly decide on the one that fits your needs. Also, consider the increase in utility bills, property taxes, and insurance amount due to the addition. You need to consider all these expenses before talking to contractors.

Will this Addition add value to your house?

It is important to consider the resale value of your property. In the longer run, consider the basics like where you live, amenities you get in your area that others may also look for. In future you plan on selling the property, the addition of your home will add to the value of the house as compared to existing condition.

Is there any zoning restriction?

Understand the basic rules and regulations of what you can build to where you can build and when. There would be specific municipality laws as per your area. Before you make any alteration to your building or house, check with your local building department about all these things and plan accordingly.

How will you blend the addition with the rest of the house?

Adding on to your home requires a bit of detailing as per the existing house. No one would like the change that is totally out of place. Make sure, the rooflines, walls and interiors compliments the old style and windows and utilities can match the house giving it same feel with a new outlook to the lifestyle specific.

Is there any lower-cost alternative to get what you want?

An addition can be expensive, so if you have any other alternative way of getting what you want then find it. Make use of attic, basements or rearrange your home to make it more spacious. The addition should be considered only if it is absolutely necessary.

Adding to your home is a decision that is taken after much deliberation on the requirements. It needs to be taken seriously. Make sure while planning you take all the above-mentioned points into consideration before starting the project. You need to consult your family to figure out the long term benefits for you, your future and your family.