Getting into the Video Game Business? How to Give Yourself the Best Chance for Success

The video game industry is booming and anyone who loves playing video games may consider the possibility of making them at some point. It can be difficult, but far from impossible, to break into the video game industry as there are plenty of opportunities for entrepreneurial designers. Here are some things you can do to give yourself the best chance of finding success.


Formal Education

While not strictly required, a formal education in video game design, graphic design, art or computer programming can be beneficial for breaking into this industry for a number of reasons. For one, you will learn both the theory and practice of animation and programming. This will help you hone your skills and learn your craft. You will also have unique opportunities to make connections with your fellow students, your professors and even professionals in the industry.



All artistic and creative professions require you to spend lots of time practicing in order to get good at the things you create. Practicing programming, art and other elements that go into making a video game to hone your skills is perhaps even more important than having a formal education. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there is forecasted to be an increased demand for multimedia artists working in the video game industry, so if you develop a strong portfolio of work you are in a good position to land a job.


Be Involved

Being involved in the video game community, such as by running a blog, playing competitively, or streaming or posting your playthroughs, all increase your exposure and builds a platform that helps you gain recognition in the industry. You can then use that platform you’ve built to lobby for jobs or market your own game once you have designed it. Learn about how games are sold from marketing solutions such as Xsolla so you will be prepared to effectively market any game you produce or work on.


Learn about the Business

As with any professional occupation, having a strong understanding of how the industry works is key to your eventual success. While in school or working to break into the industry, learn everything you can by reading industry publications, listening to what current developers have to say, and keep up with general gaming news and trends. With this knowledge, you can not only design games players want to play but also are equipped to make the best choices throughout your career.


With video games becoming more mainstream than ever before, there’s never been a better time to get involved in this growing, ever-changing industry. With digital storefronts and other software tools making it possible to design and sell a game yourself, it’s an exciting time to be in video game development. If you follow the suggestions outlined above, you will give yourself the best chance for success.