Email Marketing Tips For Small Business

Email has been there, since the birth of internet. Many marketers think that Emails have lost their essence, but it is not so. Marketing with email is very influential for small business. Emails are a great way to communicate with your customers without spending an enormous amount of money. It is more effective than advertisements.

Given below are some useful Email marketing tips for small business:

Post a signup form on your website, blog, facebook page and wherever you expect your customers to visit you. Collecting their names, birthdays might help you. You can also invite readers to join groups. But keep it short because a very long subscription form might scare your customers off.

It is always a smart idea to remind your subscribers and customers why they are on your list and assure them that there are good things in store for them. As a thinking gesture you can send special content and special offers for the new subscribers.

Your email campaigns should suite your brand look and feel. If you are using template you might want to customize it to include your company’s colours and logo in the header. If your emails are consistent with the rest of your company’s content, then readers feel more familiar from the beginning.

In today’s world nobody has time to go through their emails thoroughly so instead of one long block, break up your content into short paragraphs and make reading easy for your subscribers. Also include subheadings and images to guide readers through your email and make it easier to scan, and add a teaser to the top of your newsletter to tell subscribers what’s in store. If you’re sending a long article, consider inserting a “read more” link so people can get to the rest when it’s convenient for them. Your subject line should be to-the-point and easy to digest, too.

To help you make your content relevant to the people reading it, Email newsletter services offer features like groups and segmentation. If you’re sending different emails for different groups, then you can ask people to check a box to join a particular group on your signup form. Segmentation allows you to target certain subscribers on your list without assigning them to group. If your store is having a sale, then you could send a campaign only to people near a particular zip code, because subscribers who live in other parts of the world don’t need to know about it. You can also categorize by activity, email clients, e-commerce data, and more. Sending relevant content will keep your readers hooked to your site and hooked readers look forward to your newsletter and share it with friends.