Eco-Friendly Heating

Due to the financial crisis and the public debate about the necessity of decreasing the unwanted greenhouse gas emissions, the public’s price sensitivity and environmental awareness are growing. However, people who rent a flat or just have a small disposable income are not able to install new energy saving heating options such as heat pumps, underfloor heating or solar energy systems. Those people need easy to tips to implement in order to save heating energy costs, making one’s home more comfortable and to contribute in helping the environment.

Choose the right Provider of Heating Oil

First of all, consumers are asked to purchase their heating oil from the closest provider in their area of living which decreases transportation costs. For instance, providers such as who offer online search options for local suppliers should be used. An additional benefit is that those providers are therefore enabled to guarantee cheapest heating oil prices.

Increase your Heating Efficiency

The first and simplest measure is to reduce the time the heater is running; therefore, people should aim to either switch of or turn down the thermostat whilst sleeping or when absent from their home. Moreover, instead of heating the bedroom at all, a hot water bottle or an electric blanket can be used when going to bed.
Ideally, insulated heavy curtains should be utilised to cover the windows at night or even sporadically at day time. People who do not want to invest in curtains may use old blankets for this purpose. Indeed, as soon as the winter sun is shining, the curtains must be opened to capture the valuable solar heat.
The most efficient measure may be to insulate the flat better and to seal draughts and air leaks. Consequently, the landlord should be asked to insulate the roof and to install double glazed windows. However, Plexiglas solutions are cheaper alternatives to double glazed windows, and may be a worthwhile investment. Those inexpensive “storm windows” are simply attached to the wooden window frame using corner joints and silicone caulk.
Further necessary air and gap sealing can also be done by tenants themselves. Leaky windows and doors simply need to be caulked and supplemental insulation applied. Here simple window sealing tape can be used to seal gaps between windows and window frames. This tape, in addition to door snakes, may also be useful to seal leaky doors.
Windows should be caulked in order to fill the gaps between the drywall and the window’s frame. This appears to be a bit more complex in terms of the equipment needed and the actual accomplishment. Finally, it is also recommended to insulate older gas water heater tanks with poor internal insulation leaving the air intake blank.
Thirdly, it saves a huge bulk of energy to just heat the rooms which are in use at a specific moment. Therefore, it should be ensured that thermostats are working and internal doors closed. Whilst buying portable heaters for that purpose, one with different heat settings, should be chosen.
Efficiency can be even increased further by wearing warmer clothes and slippers, as well as by drinking hot beverages. Furthermore, flats which are equipped with thick, fluffy carpets feel much warmer under foot. Another tip, which especially makes sense in rooms with high ceilings, is to use ceiling fans or normal fans which point to the ceiling in order to mix the warmer air layers at the top of the room with the layers beneath.
Although good insulation and sealed windows keep a home warm, such measures also prevents an unnecessary air flow which causes moisture on walls and windows. Therefore, daily ventilation by opening opposing windows in a flat is advised.