One of the easiest ways to lose your audience is with a boring slide show presentation. Power Point presentations have unfortunately become synonymous with long, drawn out speeches which trigger nap time. If you want…
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The Various Options Of The Police Scanners To Pick Up Your Emergency Communications
Whether it’s for a birthday, an anniversary, or a holiday, gift ideas can be few and far between for the picky person who already has everything you’ve thought of. So why not consider something truly…
What is Gagné's Theory of Instruction?
Robert Gagné was an American educational psychologist renowned for his insights into the psyche of learning and his advancements in the instructional design and technology field. While his later work continued to plumb unexplored ground…
A Look At The Invention Of Wrist Watches
The wristwatch has come a long way from a time when it was just a novelty — or worse, an object of ridicule. Today, even with formidable competition from a variety of mobile devices, including…
How To Design An Eye-Catching Landing Page?
A successful marketer must have own website to use trading tools. His website is used as the landing page. Landing page is the page where the visitors land and justify it by clicking the billboard….
Fears Over Cybercrime Increase Following Adobe Admission
Cybercrime is something that both individuals and businesses have had to become used to over recent years, with our increased reliance on the digital world putting us at increased risk of online criminal activity. While…
How To Present A Data Analysis In A Dissertation
Your data analysis will depend heavily on your area of study and the type of research you are conducting. Depending on the type of data you have collected for your dissertation topic, your analysis may…
3 Must-Have Android Apps for Your Smartphone
Android applications have recently seen a massive boost, and the evolutionary process is hard to be dwindled in a nutshell. Experts are of the view that open source orientation and greater flexibility of Android OS…
Have Round-Screen TVs Become Antiques?
With electronics makers like LG and Samsung selling tens of millions of flat screen TVs a year, it would seem that the world has largely moved on from older, “traditional” televisions—those with round cathode ray…
Designer’s Block: Your Guide to Design Inspiration Resources
Any artist has felt it at some point or another: that mental block that keeps you staring at your computer screen praying for the muses to guide you. Whether you’ll admit or not, most designers…