Harvard University and the Environmental Protection Agency have undertaken independent studies regarding the presence of toxic industrial chemicals present in U.S. schools. The results of the research is before the United States Congress for review….
Browsing Category Health & Medicine
Know About The Eye Surgeons Are Among The Professionals
Eye surgeons are among the professionals on the planet. As the amount of eye illnesses that are associated continue to grow, a routine checkup with the local eye surgeon is currently becoming the standard. This…
Why and How Breast Lifting Is Done
MASTOPAXY is an advanced age medical procedure performed by highly efficient cosmetic surgeon dermatologists for breast lifting. The idea is to bring change in your sagging breasts or downward nipples by removal of the excess…
How Does Mississauga Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Treatment Help?
Oxygen is known as the key element to living a healthy life. Diseases, injuries and aging are the results of low oxygen. There is one way you can prevent as well as heal is by…
Reasons For Losing Your Hair
What is Causing your Hair to Fall Out? It is a known fact that men are more likely to lose their hair due to male pattern baldness than women. But women are also plagued with…
Do We Really Need Vitamin B?
Do you wonder why doctors always advise you to eat a balanced diet? For example, you enjoy pineapple chicken, and it is healthy and good for you. So why can’t you just live off eating…
Pediatricians Give Thumbs-Down To FluMist Flu Vaccine
On Tuesday, September 6, 2016, pediatricians and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) gave a final disapproval rating to the FluMist vaccine for children. The pediatricians stated they do not advise children to…
Nurses belong to a professional where due to the nature of their job they cannot really dress up wearing clothes of their choices or even shoes like they wish to wear. They cannot tend to…
5 Quickest And Healthiest Student Breakfast Ideas
Different diets will favor you differently depending on the nutrient expenses required. Some activities such as learning will require just moderate calories intake. If you take more energy foods before class, it is obvious you…
The Importance Of Maintaining A Disciplined Life After Gastric Bypass Surgery
All bariatric surgeries aim at weight loss but of varying degrees. Broadly speaking, the surgery can be divided into two categories – aggressive surgery and moderate surgery. Duodenal switch, lap band surgery, gastric sleeve surgery…