It is a common misconception for people to think that an addict can always get clean with enough willpower. Anyone who has ever fought with addiction will quickly assert the falsity of this claim. Addiction…
Browsing Category Health & Medicine
Ayurveda- A Brief Insight Into The Healing System
Ayurveda or the ancient healing system dates back to approximately 2500 years ago. It has been very effective in the cure of ailments and diseases. With the advent of science and technology, the pharmaceutical industry…
The Healing Mushrooms From Ancient Tribal Lore
Magic mushrooms have been touted to have mind bending powers and have been in the news since antiquity. There were a large number of studies that evaluated the power of these shrooms in curing debilitating…
What Is Hypospadias?
A birth abnormality of the penis, hypospadias is the second most common abnormality of the male reproductive system, a condition which affects 1 in every 250 males. While some cases are minor and don’t require…
Essential Oils For Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a medical condition that may not be life threatening but is still a condition that can make your life quite uncomfortable and problematic. Not to mention the embarrassment that comes with their uncanny…
Health Technologies Guide
The financial climate reflects on the financial status of a nation. The wellness reforms have added to the significance of healthcare computer software. Possessing perfect or near-perfect vision is a critical portion of wellbeing in…
Sulfate free Shampoo – Taking Care Of Thinning Hair
Are you eager to have your hair back and stop loss permanently? Want that young, attractive look once again to impress and be praised by others! Then you should look for cheap sulfate free shampoo…
Know More About JCI Accredited Hospitals In India
If somebody is travelling and if they happen to come to India and suddenly they fall sick. What would be their primary step? They will definitely search for a good clinic or a hospital. There…
Easy Ways To Improve Your Kitchen
The kitchen is a room that is used multiple times on any given day. In fact, aside from the bathroom, the kitchen is the most popular room of any household. This is the space where…
The Not So Great Depression
At some point in our lives, most of us suffer a bout of depression. Depression is an umbrella label for a wide spectrum of feelings. While psychiatrists and psychologists have a variety of terms to…