Business is an important aspect of any society. There are many sides to business. There are many types of business. The business market is a great profitable place, both from the economical as well as…
Browsing Category Business
Importance of VoIP for small companies
VoIP that stands for Voice over Internet Protocol is a concept of telephony that is very significant for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is true that IP telephony, a recent way of telecommunication, has taken…
How Amazon Built Their Ecommerce Empire And What You Can Learn From It
Amazon is one of the most successful ecommerce empires on the Internet, but many people wonder how the company got its start. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos founded Amazon on the principles of good customer service. The…
Improve Employee Productivity Levels with BYOD
Not too long ago, business people did everything by hand. They wrote notes with a pen and paper. They called potential clients. They drew their own flow charts for the weekly business meeting, but that…
Finding Scalable Solutions for Business Web Hosting
By Sue Poremba Sue Poremba is a freelance writer focusing primarily on security and technology issues and occasionally blogs for Rackspace Hosting. Your website is the public face of your company. You want a site…
What makes big data big? And why does that even matter?
If you’ve been following the tech blogosphere for any length of time, you’ve probably come across the term big data. What is big data, exactly? What makes data big? Why does it matter? These questions are more…
Valpak to Donate $10K "Dough to Grow Award" for Small Business Success
Valpak, the company behind those familiar blue envelopes filled with coupon deals that arrive regularly in our mailboxes, recently announced their newest public relations program to encourage and emphasize the success of small businesses throughout the US…
How Much Disk Space is Enough for Cloud Backups?
By Jennifer Marsh Jennifer Marsh is a software developer, programmer and technology writer and occasionally blogs for Rackspace Hosting. The cloud offers the security, affordability, and convenience of backups for business networks without paying for the computing…
Hard Drive Stores Files in a Logical & Systematic Order
“How do you take pills from a strip?” It is pretty obvious that you take it in a sequential manner for daily use, the sequence might be horizontal or vertical. Similarly, the mechanism which hard…
Fleet Tracking Goes to the Cloud
If cloud computing is a new technology to you, perhaps you should lift the rock you’ve been living under and scuttle back under there until Dec. 23, 2012, when your ignorance won’t matter anymore. Simply…