Can You Prevent Pests In Your Home With Natural Products?

When it comes to keeping insects and pests out of your home, you may feel limited to hiring a local professional to spray dangerous chemicals that can be harmful to you, your family, and your pets. Though these chemicals tend to be incredibly good at getting the job done, you may be interested in using more natural products. Luckily, there have been centuries of human experience keeping pests out of the home, most of which use natural products. The following methods are among the most simple and easy to use so anyone with the right products can get started with getting rid of those nasty pests.

Essential Oils

Certain essential oils can repel ants, roaches, and other pests. Oils like thyme, citronella, lavender, and peppermint are excellent choices for pest control. If you have seen cockroaches, then you may want to spray eucalyptus or tea tree where you’ve seen the roaches scurry. You can dilute the essential oils in water or a carrier oil depending on what you are spraying it onto. Most people prefer putting the oil and water in a spray bottle for easy application. In addition to repelling these critters, certain natural scents can also make your home feel cleaner and fresher. For example, lavender oil has been shown to cut down on allergy symptoms such as sneezing and congestion in some people.

Baking Soda

Baking soda might be unusual as pest control, but there’s no denying its effectiveness in keeping bugs out of your home. This is one of those tricks that homeowners have been using since the 1800s and possibly before then. Sprinkle baking soda on your carpet or flooring before vacuuming to reduce allergens and keep pesky bugs at bay. Baking soda can also be used in a DIY spider spray for an all-natural solution. You can also sprinkle baking soda around cracks outside your home or under doors leading into your house as this will help deter mice from trying to find a way in.


A few squirts of vinegar can do more than just keep your kitchen smelling clean; it is also effective as a natural pest control. Vinegar can also keep unwanted pests at bay. Vinegar is a mild acid that can deter ants and other bugs from taking up residence in your home. Simply add a bit to a small bucket filled with water, then scatter it around any areas where you see pests hanging out. You should also rub some on your windows and doorsills—the scent will make any insects think twice about coming inside!


Incense is an easy and natural way to repel spiders, mosquitoes, and other pests. The scent fills a room and will encourage insects to flee the scene. Stock up on scents like eucalyptus, peppermint, and citronella to make sure your incense does the trick.

Make sure your all-natural methods of pest control work to keep your household pest-free. Use these four ideas to fight back against unwanted intruders using natural products around the home and yard.

Homemade Fruit Fly Traps 

Fruit flies in the kitchen can be more than just a small nuisance. They can multiply quickly, and it can even seem like they are taking over your counters after a while. One way to get rid of them is to make your own fruit fly traps. You can use an empty can or disposable plastic cup for this project. Pour a bit of juice into the container or make a small batch of sugar water to place inside. The goal is to create a sweet concoction that will attract the flies You can even add bits of fruit to the container for an added bit of sweetness. Cover the top with plastic wrap, and put small holes in the covering. The fruit flies will find their way into the cup or can but will get lost in the sea of sweetness inside. Be sure to dispose of your traps in the outside trash can just in case a few flies are still buzzing around inside.

Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous Earth is made of fossilized plankton, and its unique texture combined with silica properties works to kill insects naturally, essentially dehydrating them. The material can be used in a number of ways, including in the garden or inside of the home. It can be sprinkled on carpet to get rid of fleas or sprinkled on mattresses to combat bedbugs. If you are experiencing problems with ants, cockroaches, or spiders in the kitchen, use this natural pest control method along the edges of cabinets, windowsills, and floorboards. Remember to purchase food-grade DE, as other grades can be toxic for people and pets.

Herb Gardens

Some herbs offer natural pest control properties, and they can work both inside and outside of your home. Growing herbs in your garden next to flowers or vegetables can keep pests from destroying your gardening handiwork, while a window herb garden in the kitchen can help keep insects at bay indoors. Basil, lemongrass, thyme, mint, dill, and rosemary are all great options to add to your herb garden, and they also provide a supply of fresh seasonings for your favorite dishes.

If you are interested in other natural pest control methods, visit your local nursery or hardware shop for additional options. Natural baits and other products can be great additions to your home, helping to keep insects away without bringing poisons into the home.