BPM Program: Real Life Examples Of Business Improvement

Business process management known also as BPM is a complex discipline, leveraging software and services to make the organization’s inner and outer processes totally visible. The platforms of the kind optimize the company’s performance by means of uncovering, documenting, automating, monitoring, and improving its workflows with a view to increase the level of client satisfaction and reduce costs. It is difficult to consider the idea of BPM and CRM (customer relationship management) out of touch with the actual state of things in modern enterprises. In order to get insight into the complexity of these notions, we should puzzle out how most companies work, understand their central problems, and key objectives.

Besides, it is important to have a good example of a BPM program at hand. Think, for instance, of bpm’online, a popular solution from Terrasoft company that connects the dots between marketing, sales, and client service. The software can be implemented both in large, medium, and small scale enterprises form all industry areas. Bpm’online helps organizations get on the right side of every lead, prospective, and existing customer, which is very important in the today’s highly competitive marketplace. What is more, this BPM program automates and streamlines most of the company’s repeated processes, releasing the staff from the necessity to perform the same routine missions from day to day. Thus, they get more time to deliver high quality client service and boost the company’s revenue.

You can read about the key CRM tools provided in this solution at The advantages of bpm’online are discussed in many blogs, eBooks, theme-based websites, and content networks, this is why more and more enterprises form all spheres are considering it as the optimal solution to most of their problems.

Real Life Examples of Using BPM

Let us have a look at the way BPM tools are used in real life. Here are some examples of practical application of such solutions:

The key business problem of many enterprises is that they have to enter bulk of information into multiple systems manually. Employees, as a rule, have to spend too much time on extracting the data from one system and inputting it into another one. It is an extremely time-consuming procedure, limiting the organization’s ability to optimize its processes and scale the team’s efforts. In order to resolve this problem companies apply to BPM software, which helps them manage numerous IT requests concerning app services, development of activity descriptions, as well as their tracking and approval. The organization’s whole database can be consolidated into the new platform, which is easily integrated with other softwares used by the enterprise. All this lets the business avoid duplication of information and keep routine data processing to a minimum.

Without a suitable BPM program, medium and large organizations face a lot of troubles when it comes to compliance and risk management. It is very important for them to improve the accuracy and certainty of their corporate disclosures in order to protect their investors and partners. Besides, they have to do their best to avoid corporate and accounting frauds, which are inadmissible in modern publicly traded organizations. Having implemented a business process management software, companies get a perfect opportunity to document their financial operations in compliance with the industry-specific norms, perform control tests, estimate risks, and track issues. The systems of the kind consolidate all audit data in a single interface, which allows the organization to effectively manage its financial risks and ensure 100% compliance with the laws in force.

When there is a new hire in a company, the managers have to spend much time teaching and training him. A reliable BPM program will automate this cross-functional and often highly-manual process, accelerating all the necessary steps within each department and facilitating the onboarding hand-offs between the firm’s units. Actually, the software of the kind improves the complete procedure of staff recruitment. When an organization uses a business process management software, all its hand-offs are automatically transmitted to HR for further employee on-boarding. Such a procedure removes the unnecessary sub-processes associated with IT provisioning, execution of new-hire documentation, scheduling of the meetings with the Supervisor, etc. Besides, BPM systems perform a number of routine duties automatically: for instance, they trigger the processes of filing final paperwork, creating employee badges, alerting the stuff to put the new data into the employee directory, and so on.

It is not an easy task to manage a project across multiple teams under the constant pressure of time, money, and manpower resources. Managers have to allocate the company’s resources by right of availability, assignment of duties, control over performance, and other integral steps of the complex multi-team projects. Using BPM tools, they get a great opportunity to operate the pre-defined set of workflows, choose the ones to be executed at a given moment of time, and pick the employees to be responsible for it. Thus, the organization gets rid of the unnecessary steps. If there are any delays or bottlenecks, the Project Managers are notified on-the-fly. The chosen BPM program updates the project status on a daily basis, reducing the time and effort expenditures associated with it.
