Discounts are usually a good thing, right? Certainly not, if they don’t actually get you a better deal. Many companies use marketing and advertising tactics that can bother consumers to the point of anger and frustration. We’ve all been there, but if you can manage to ignore or block the spamming emails and false promises that companies have been known to offer, then at least you will have found peace and maybe a little discount at the end of the tunnel. You just need to know what to look for and what to avoid.
Text Message Marketing: How Did They Get My Number?
Companies vying for your dollars have turned to cell phones as the latest marketing strategy. Most people enjoy the sensation that accompanies the arrival of a new text message, especially when it is from a friend or loved one. The last thing people are looking for is to have that enjoyable feeling replaced by the disappointment of a spam text message.
A spam text message? Do those even exist? Sadly, they do and their frequency only seems to be getting greater. Still, laws are set to regulate this form of messaging. Generally, if you do not want to subscribe to the marketing campaign, the company will offer a keyword text to stop the messaging. On the other hand, it might not be a bad idea to offer up your number to your favorite brand. Not every text message from a company is going to be useful, but occasionally companies will offer an exclusive coupon code that can come in handy!
Sweepstakes/Contests: Does Anyone Actually Win These Things?
Sweepstakes may seem like an annoying marketing technique, but there is always the temptation of winning that draws in many customers. But at what cost? Generally, to even enter one of these contests, you have to offer something on your end. This could be something as small as your personal information getting preapproved for a credit card, or something as big as large sums of your money.
Sweepstakes aren’t always scams though. If a sweepstakes requests credit card information, there might be hidden charges for entering. These types of sweepstakes might not be the most secure. Still, many sweepstakes are simple contests. Make sure you don’t give away secure information to avoid scams, but entering a simple contest with basic personal information generally won’t harm customers.
Promo Codes: Not All Marketing is Bad!
Promo codes usually follow through with a worthwhile discount. In fact, sometimes codes can be incredibly advantageous. Depending on the company and the items you are looking to purchase, a promo code could save you big bucks. Some companies – usually the smart ones – create and offer regular promo codes to entice consumers to spend more frequently while saving on individual purchases.
I think all us consumers can agree that many of the marketing tactics that companies use are at the very least bothersome. And as annoying as they can be with text messages, emails, sweepstakes and codes, every once and awhile– actually, more often than not – there is a useful deal to be found.
Are Promo Codes Taking Over?
