Engineering is one of the most complex jobs as there can be. There is no better time to start preparing for it than now, when you have the IIT JEE Exam results and waiting for the admission process to start. In case you aren’t sure how to go about that, keep reading…
In the time of technological advancements, the need of skilled engineers to keep up with them has increased manifold. While the four years of a good engineering college will prepare you to meet the corporate world’s demands, there’s no harm in starting while you wait for the results.
Starting college with the skills that gives a competitive edge is every students dream. With a little practice you can learn how to approach and solve complex problems. Here are some pointers that you can start working on now so that you get a winning edge from the rest of your classmates since the day one.
- Make an exhaustive list of colleges
As soon as your over with the IIT exam, make a list of engineering colleges you are going to send your applications. This would save you from last minute hustles and delays. Make sure apply to a mix of both good engineering colleges and average ones as back-ups.
- Work on your problem solving skills
Try to find situations where you are made solve problems by your own. Search for problems that need quantifications, and judgements. You will find plenty of problems in the textbooks when you start college, but to get a hang of it, solve the case studies available on the internet.
- Study successful engineers
There is no better way to be a skilled engineer than learn by example. Read and find out as much as you can about the world’s most successful engineers. Dong this, you will learn about how they solve problems, what skills they expect from the future engineers and so on.
- Try to get a grasp of the basics
It is only a matter of time the pressure of attending classes, hectic schedule, and exams, etc. will come up. It is best advised that you try and learn the basics of engineering. For this take help of the course details mentioned on the college’s website or pamphlet. You can also take help of your seniors to get the basic level understanding of various theories.
Tip: while learning the basics, pay equal attention to all the disciplines, rather than just focussing on the area that interests you.
- Experiment with the hands-on skills
It would do wonders if you experiment with the practical studies before you go on with the coursework. If you wish to be a mechanical engineer try to get your hands around a blueprint and read them. If becoming an electrical engineer is your dream, learn how to solder and find then find a person who can help with the hands on application. For the future optical engineers, get in touch with professionals who will teach you how to grind and polish lens.
The best way to utilise the time you have between the IIT JEE exam results is to prepare for the college life. An early head up will give you the perfect idea of how to survive the four years with a guaranteed competitive edge. Start early to become a skilled engineer before everyone else in your class.
All the best!