Top Ways You Can Make Roadside Construction Safer

Top Ways You Can Make Roadside Construction Safer

If you are responsible for roadside construction, then you have a project you are looking to get done, finish properly, and get done as quickly as possible. However, you also have a responsibility to safety. Knowing ways you can make roadside construction safer for everyone involved helps you do this.

Establish the Right Perimeter

It’s not enough to just block off the actual area you are going to work on. Your crew will also need space for the work equipment, and you’ll need to even designate safe spaces for crew members to walk around without getting hit by equipment in the work zone itself.

Regulate Traffic

You have to make sure traffic can get by your roadside construction or is properly re-routed. Something else you’ll also have to do is make sure the traffic has enough time to slow down and react to your roadside construction. Even though there will be plenty of signs, cones, and heavy equipment all over, many people will not take the hint. Many people think that the most dangerous part of the construction is the heavy equipment or an accident with the material you are using. However, the true danger is all the vehicles that are constantly driving through your work site.

Be Aware of Speed Limits

Every worksite along a road has varying speeds of traffic. It is obvious that when working on the freeway, everyone is going to be moving very fast compared to a neighborhood road. But there are roads on which construction is performed that the speed limits are faster than they seem. The process by which speed limits are set is dependent on the state and county in which you are working. For example, long-term research is performed to see that there is a lot of high traffic in an area that only has a speed limit of 25 mph. In some cases, a speed limit change is made to help with the overall flow. 


Nearly any roadside construction project is going to need certain pieces of work zone equipment that cater to safety. This can range from hardhats and flags to barricades and drums. The specific hardware you’ll need will vary based on the project specifications, but always make sure you know what you need and where to get it.

Ensure Proper Training in Advance

You’ll probably know in advance how many people you need for your roadside construction and even who you will need. Be sure everyone has the right training ahead of time before they show up for work.

Have Someone Reliable There All the Time

OSHA might define this as a “competent” person. Whatever you call them, you need someone on-site at all times that can spot potentially hazardous circumstances in advance and have the power to do something about it before an accident happens. If that person needs a break, work should stop unless you have another point person to mind safety matters.

Keep Everyone Hydrated

Hydration is a safety matter because it can prevent heatstroke and other health ailments. On top of that, sufficient hydration prevents brain fog and people from making poor decisions or having lapses of attention. Even in winter, hydration is important when the air is dry and sinus issues can cause blurry vision.

Safety Is Serious Business

Safety isn’t just a matter of keeping roadside construction workers safe. You also need to make sure that pedestrians and people passing by in vehicles can go about their business safely, as well. Nonetheless, there is a lot of planning involved in a city to help it even prepare for expansion and future repairs that will be needed in the future.

Planning Ahead

Whether you’re a mayor, city planner, or you work in the construction business, it’s good to know how to keep your citizens and your city safe at all times. Because most people spend most of their day out on the road driving to and from work or shuttling kids around, one of the best things you can do is ensure that your city’s roads are up to par. How exactly? This article will take a closer look. 

Pipeline Integrity Management

Invest in a team that specializes in pipeline integrity management. What does that mean exactly? A pipeline integrity management firm or team works to make sure that the pipeline underneath the roads is working well and functioning properly. And although your citizens aren’t seeing what’s going on underground, by taking the initiative to ensure that no pipes are going to burst or corrode, you can keep your roads lasting longer and everything in your city running more efficiently. 

Check for Wear and Tear

One of the most unfortunate parts of roads and highways is that no matter how detailed of a job a team of construction workers does in constructing and paving a highway, it’s going to suffer from some wear and tear. Although a few potholes here and there are normal, make sure that you have your roads and highways inspected on a regular basis to make sure that no serious damage is taking place. Remember that it’s better to catch things earlier on than when it’s too late. 

Taking care of traffic patterns, physical damage, and pipelines are all great ways of making sure that your roads are safe and protected. If you want to learn more information about how to move forward with these initiatives, contact a city planner near you.