5 Ways Love is Depicted in Movies

There are different ways love is depicted in movies and here are some of them:

  1. Doomed love: Love is an enchanting thing, but it has to end eventually. The Bridges of Madison County (1995) shows Robert Kincaid drives away in a rainy, as Francesca Johnson stares with a yearning look. The Prisoner of Zenda (1937) (1952) is about the self-sacrificing act of an Englishman who masquerades as a prince, so he can say goodbye to a princess. Roman Holiday (1953) and Titanic (1997) also show us about two classic examples of doomed love. We could see how Kate Winslet, Leonardo DiCaprio, Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck see how their love ended in a ship that supposedly can never be sink.
  2. Forbidden love: Love is a sweet thing and like forbidden fruit, forbidden love is the sweetest thing, but often with the bitterest consequence. Kissing Jessica Stein is about two women who experiment with lesion relationship hesitantly. It is a surprisingly sweet, fast-paced and funny movie. Kissing with Love — Love Field (1992), played by Michelle Pfeiffer was about a wife in Texas in 1960’s who wants to attend the funeral of John F Kennedy. Denny Haysbert, a black man, gives a lift to the funeral location and she tries puzzle out her newfound attraction.
  3. Literary love: Great love stories could also be found in people who write famous stories. Shakespeare in Love (1998) is about Bard of Avon, who is played by Joseph Fiennes, who attempts to write new stories about Ethel the Pirate’s Daughter and Romeo. In the meantime, he dallies with a young and lovely aristocratic woman, played by Gwyneth Paltrow. C.S.S. appears as an unlikely hero in Shadowlands (1993). The character was played by Anthony Hopkins. The withdrawn and bookish character in the movie meets Joy Gresham, played by Debra Winger, a brassy poet who bulls her way into his quiet life.
  4. Magical love: Love is certainly magical and magic is love too. Splash (1984) is about a mermaid who meets Tom Hanks’ character. In Somewhere in Time (1980), we see how Christopher Reeve follows Jane Seymour deeper into the past. Ghost (1990) may be seen as a supernatural love story, but the way it is depicted, the movie seems to be about magical love. The spectral being of Patrick Swayze was unable to move to the other side as he clings to the love for Demi Moore. Whoopi Goldberg plays as a bogus, but hilarious psychic, who eventually able to see actual ghosts. Always (1989) is one of Steven Spielberg’s underrated works, played by Holly Hunter and Richard Dreyfuss as a couple. Both are so perfect in the movie that we know that the relationship won’t last. It’s the most romantic work by Steven Spielberg and it gives a real meaning to magical love.
  5. Musical love: Love and music intertwine with one another. In Singing’ in the Rain (1952), we see Gene Kelly dances under the windows of Debbie Reynolds.