2 Post Server Rack Solutions And Tips

The advantages of a two post server racking system for computer network hardware is probably not the most immediate thing a company manager over an IT section thinks of. Instead, issues like scalable bandwidth, data storage, performance and security come to mind a lot faster. However, two post systems can be highly flexible as well as save money in purchase versus a conventional four post system. Here’s how.

2 Post Advantages

First off, 2 post server rack systems come in varying heights, matching the same options available with a four post system. This can easily range from a low level of 4 feet to as much as 9 feet off the floor level.

Keeping everything in place and secure, two posts are always tapped with solid made threads for easy server installation, ensuring more than enough strength to hold components and hardware without stripping as well as make installation and removal a quick zip-in, zip-out affair.

There is no need for special expertise or multiple hands to install 2 post server racks either. They all come with visible, easy to interpret instructions for system assembly, ensuring that racks can be constructed and secured quickly without delay and getting a server room up and running as fast as possible.

Added Benefits

2 post racking systems also come with their own built in cable management system, keeping wiring, power cords and data cords organized in a clean manner routed along baskets channels parallel to the posts themselves.

This avoids the proverbial rat’s nest that often occurs with multiple servers and cabling installed or swapped out after the original installation of equipment. The channel feature also avoids safety risks from tripping hazards or wires getting yanked out by accident, which has taken down more than one server in modern times.

2 post frames are also extremely strong for office hardware needs. They combine the benefits of easily-moved lightweight aluminum metal alloy that won’t buckle or wobble once installed. The final finish is smoothed out on all edges with a solid powder coat paint layer for final protection. Once secured, either into the floor or ceiling or wall, these rack posts will keep servers secure until it’s time for removal.

Options Available

Shelving options are also varied and available for two post racks. Shelf choices range from a simple single shelf component to double-sided options to fully vented shelves for maximum air flow. Monitor-keyboard shelves for overall system monitoring and feedback stations are easily available to install as well.

Exact configurations just depend on what exactly is needed on a server floor. There is even a 2 post center mount conversion option available.So for anyone worried that 2 post racking systems are a scaled-down choice with less capabilities, the above factors and real-time advantages can clear up those old myths very quickly.

There is no question that a two post server rack system with today’s design work is more than capable of handling some of the most demanding server racking system needs companies may have. With their ease of build and scalability, existing systems can be added to without issue.

+Katrina  specializes in products for the leading custom design and manufacturing of racking products for your tech needs at